Background image: Yoga Art, Ajit Mookerjee
416.765.2141   |

My Approach

My philosophy of practice is holistic and client-centred. I believe that each individual already has the wisdom and knowledge needed for their own well-being and healing. My role is to act as a guide along this journey. In counselling, the approach is tailored to the needs of each individual, including psychodynamic psychotherapy, cognitive therapy, EMDR, and mindfulness-based therapies.

Mindfulness meditation is an approach that trains our attention to stay present with our experience, to deepen it, and learn to have greater equanimity and be less reactive to our thoughts and emotions. Mindfulness often leads to an enriched quality of life.

Sessions can also include expressive arts and creativity enhancement as a powerful source of healing. In my teaching work, I support the individuals of a group to find their own voices, share their experiences, and learn from each other.